How To Record a Screen-Cap Video on The Nexus 5


In a previous post, we revealed the step-by-step instructions on how to take a screenshot on the Google Nexus 5 smartphone. While most people are familiar with the Nexus 5’s screenshot function, few users know how to take video screen-captures. If you’re looking to take a video of your Nexus 5’s display, keep reading to learn a few different ways to accomplish this task.

Video screen-capture is something that’s relatively new to smartphones. In fact, the Google Nexus 5 was the first smartphone to introduce this technology into the mobile market. Some of the more recent smartphones have since integrated the use of video screen-captures, but you can thank Google for the paving the way with its highly popular Nexus 5 smartphone.

Recording Screen-Cap Video With Android Debug Bridge

The first method that we’re going to discuss involves the Android Debug Bridge (ADB). Start by connecting your Nexus 5 to your computer via a USB cable. Next, install Android SDK on your computer (you can download it for free here). Once installed, run the program and enter the following command:

adb shell screenrecord/sdcard/FILENAME.mp4.”

Note: “FILENAME” refers to the name you wish to give the video file, and “sdcard” refers to the location where the file is being stored. Feel free to modify these elements to your preferred file name and destination. Once the command is executed, the screen-cap of your Nexus 5 will begin recording. When you are finished recording, press Ctrl + C on your keyboard to stop recording. You can access the video file at the destination specified in the previously entered command prompt.

Recording Screen-Cap Video With Apps

Of course, there are also several different Android apps which are designed specifically for recording screen videos. One of the most popular screen-recording apps is Rec. (Screen Recorder), which allows users to record up to an hour of screen footage on their Nexus 5 device.

Some of the other features of Rec. (Screen Recorder) include the following:

  • Ability to record audio in addition to video.
  • Save preferred setting configurations as presets.
  • Show screen touches during recordings.
  • Shake the Nexus 5 to start or stop recording.
  • Ability to record screen videos without using your computer.

Rec. (Screen Recorder) only works with rooted devices, which is a drawback that may prevent some Nexus 5 owners from using it.

Did these steps work for you? Let us know in the comments section below!

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