How Does Android 5.1.1 Fare on The Nexus 5?

android-1244If you’re the owner of a Nexus 5 handset, you’ll probably receive a notification in the upcoming weeks asking you to upgrade your operating system. Google has begun the early stages of rolling out Android 5.1.1, with Nexus devices first in line to receive them. So, how does the Mountain View company’s latest OS version fare on its signature N5 smartphone?

Android 5.1.1 isn’t the largest update in Android’s history, nor is it the smallest. I guess you could say it falls somewhere in the middle, as it fixes several bugs while improving the overall performance. When Google released Android 5.1. back in March, many users complained about poor battery life and dropped WiFi connectivity, both of which are serious issues on smartphones. Google made a statement in response to user complaints, saying it was working on a new update to fix these problems — Android 5.1.1.

With a file size of roughly 24 MB, the Android 5.1.1 update is relatively fast to download and install. Like previous updates, however, you’ll need to reboot your Nexus 5 once the installation is complete.

So, what kind of changes can you expect to see on your Nexus 5 handset after installing Android 5.1.1? Unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot of new features introduced with this update. As previously mentioned, this update is designed to fix the bugs and performance issues that plagued Android 5.1 users, some of which include dropped WiFi connectivity and faster-than-normal battery drains.

GottaBeMobile published an interesting article about the new Android update on the Nexus 5, saying the previous 5.1 version was “very unstable,” causing the author’s Nexus 5 handset to restart randomly.

Android 5.1 was very unstable on my Nexus 5. Over the course of several weeks, I encountered numerous random reboots where the phone would restart itself for no apparent reason. I wasn’t alone. Android 5.1 has a serious memory leak problem but it appears that Android 5.1.1 has ironed those out, at least on my phone,” wrote folks at GottaBeMobile.

The good news is that most of these issues appear to have been fixed in Android 5.1.1. Some users are still reporting sporadic problems and bugs, but that’s to be expected any time a new OS version is released. Dropped WiFi, poor battery, random access memory (RAM) leakage, and 3G/4G connectivity issues have all been fixed, at least for most users that is. Again, you may notice some sporadic bugs here and there, but Android 5.1.1 is a HUGE improvement over 5.1.

If you haven’t received the Android 5.1.1 update yet, don’t worry, because Google is still working on rolling it out. Nexus 5 users who are still running Android 5.1 should receive a notification shortly asking them to update their OS to 5.1.1. You can always manually check for new Android updates in your Nexus 5’s system settings, but there’s really no point in doing so since it’s an over-the-air (OTA) that will be pushed to your device anyway.

Have you downloaded and installed Android 5.1.1 on your Nexus 5? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!

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How Does Android 5.1.1 Fare on The Nexus 5?
Google will soon be rolling out Android 5.1.1, with Nexus devices first in line to receive them. While we won't see a lot of new features, the update reportedly fixes a lot of bugs and issues users reported.

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